Partners & Supporters

Heartfelt gratitude to all of GCS’s partners and supporters. Your unwavering support, generosity, and collaboration have been instrumental in our success. Together, we’re making a meaningful impact, and we’re deeply grateful for your commitment to our shared mission.



We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Commuity of Glanbrook for their unwavering support and generous donations throughout the year. Your contributions are essential to our operations, enabling us to provide services and make a meaningful impact in our community. Without your steadfast commitment, we would not be able to maintain the day-to-day activities and initiatives that benefit so many. Your generosity is not just a financial contribution; it is a powerful statement of solidarity and trust in our mission. Thank you for being the cornerstone of our efforts and for making a real difference in the lives we touch.

We are deeply grateful to Able Living, our invaluable partners in the Meals on Wheels program, for their unwavering support. Their dedicated staff ensures that we can provide nutritious hot meals to our community from Monday to Friday. Without their commitment and hard work, we would be unable to sustain this essential service.

Able Living Website Link

We are incredibly grateful to the Ancaster Senior Achievement Centre for their consistent and generous donations to our quarterly book sale. Their support has been unwavering, with over 300 books donated, significantly enriching our selection. ASAC’s commitment and generosity are simply amazing, and we deeply appreciate their contribution to our community. Thank you, ASAC, for being such a wonderful partner in our efforts to bring the joy of reading to everyone.

Ancaster Senior Achievement Centre Website Link

Armstrong’s Home Hardware for their long-standing support of Glanbrook Community Services. As cherished partners, Armstrong’s Home Hardware consistently contributes to our major fundraisers, including the Spring Fling and our Golf Tournament, amplifying our efforts to serve the community. Their Annual Community That Cares Days each October are a vibrant testament to their generosity, offering fun-filled family activities while raising essential funds for local charities and nonprofits. The team at Armstrong’s exemplifies kindness and community spirit, both through their unwavering support and their warm, generous nature. We are profoundly grateful for their ongoing dedication and the positive impact they bring to our community.

Armstrong’s Home Hardware Website Link

We are grateful to BigYellowBag for their exceptional support and innovative fundraising solutions that have made a significant difference for nonprofits like ours. Through their Give & Grow Community Fundraiser, they have simplified the fundraising process, allowing us to effortlessly raise essential funds during the spring season. Their commitment not only aids our mission but also helps keep our community beautiful, providing top-quality garden products that our supporters love. We are deeply grateful for BigYellowBag’s dedication and generosity, which empower us to continue making a positive impact in our community.

Big Yellow Bag Website Link

We are profoundly grateful to Binbrook United Church for co-hosting our monthly Diner’s Club. Each month, they host delicious and nutritious meals in the Binbrook area, creating a warm and welcoming environment for our community. For just $15 per lunch, participants enjoy not only a wonderful meal but also the invaluable opportunity to connect and engage with one another. The dedication and hospitality of Binbrook United Church make these gatherings special and impactful, fostering a sense of togetherness and community spirit. Thank you for your unwavering support and for making our Diner’s Club a cherished event.

Binbrook United Church Website Link

Case United Church: A Place to Connect with God and Neighbour

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Case United Church for their unwavering support in co-hosting our monthly Diner’s Club. Their dedication to providing delicious and nutritious meals in the Mt. Hope area enriches our community gatherings. Each gathering at Case United participants not only savour a delightful meal but also enjoy the chance to connect and build relationships within the community. The commitment and generosity of Case United Church play a crucial role in making these monthly events meaningful and memorable. Thank you for your continued partnership and for fostering a strong sense of community through your efforts.

Case United Church Website Link

We are profoundly grateful to Christ Church Woodburn for their unwavering dedication and partnership in operating a vital food bank for our community. Their commitment to addressing food insecurity and supporting those in need exemplifies the true spirit of compassion and service. By providing essential resources and support, Christ Church Woodburn plays a critical role in enhancing the well-being of our community members.

Christ Church Woodburn (Food Bank) Website Link

We are deeply grateful to our cherished partner, Flamborough Connects, for their unwavering commitment to empowering residents through comprehensive information and referral services. By identifying unmet needs and facilitating vital social services, Flamborough Connects plays a pivotal role in enhancing the quality of life within our community. Our collaboration has been invaluable, as we support each other in addressing community challenges and fostering a stronger, more connected environment.

Flamborough Connects Website Link

We extend our deepest gratitude to Ina Grafton for their incredible support in making and supplying meals for our Meals on Wheels frozen program. Their dedication enables us to deliver over 500 nutritious meals to residents in the Glanbrook area. The commitment and care demonstrated by Ina Grafton ensure that our community members receive the sustenance they need, significantly enhancing their quality of life.

Niagara Ina Grafton Gage Village Website Link

We are immensely grateful to Southbrook Golf & Country Club for being a dedicated and supportive host of our annual Golf Tournament. The wonderful staff at Southbrook consistently go above and beyond to accommodate our needs, understanding the unique challenges and efforts involved in organizing nonprofit events. Their exceptional service and hospitality ensure that our tournament runs smoothly, providing a fantastic experience for all participants.

Southbrook Golf & Country Club Village Website Link

Grants that Sustain Glanbrook Community Services Operations: